Thursday, May 13, 2010

Zoning In

spend enough time running random dungeons and you're bound to run across things like tanks accidentally wearing their dps gear, aggressive pets pulling mobs while the group is still buffing, classes forgetting to use one of their signature buffs, etc. it's easy to forget things when you keep switching back and forth between instancing and solo-play. here's a quick mental checklist to run through each time you zone into a new dungeon:

  • is my pet on passive? (aggressive pets are fine in pvp, but not so much in instances)
  • is my pet's taunt turned off? (this applies to hunter and warlock pets)
  • am I in the right spec?
  • am I wearing the right armor?
  • am I using the right weapon(s)? (fishing poles and jousting lances make terrible weapons)
  • am I using the correct aura? (hint: crusader aura is not the correct aura)
  • do I have all my self-buffs? (e.g., righteous fury, molten armor, inner fire, poisons, etc.)
  • have I cast all my group buffs? (e.g., mark of the wild, power word: fortitude, soul stone, etc.)
  • are my macros set up correctly? (e.g., misdirect targets, focus target, etc.)

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