Tuesday, January 22, 2008

On Ganking With Style

I'm not real fond of ganking or those that do it, but every once in a while you see one go down that's just impressive.

last night Mahndo was browsing the goods at the nagrand arena vendor, surrounded by 7 or 8 other level 70 alliance players. a few of them were dueling to pass the time between arena matches. after one particularly close match between a boomy and a ret pally this 70 BE rogue literally falls out of the freakin' sky, kills them both, takes a massive chunk out of another guy that was standing nearby and then runs *through* the crowd of slack-jawed onlookers (I managed to hit him 2 or 3 times on his way past, but he practically oozed resilience) and pops vanish... we never found him. oh, and the best part? right after vanishing he /yells "MU HA HA HA".

much as I hate to admit it, the sheer audacity of it made me laugh (still laughing as I write this).

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