Monday, February 25, 2008


say hello to our newest 70. Zhered ding'd last night with a total /played of 9 days, 16 hours. conveniently, Z was questing in shadowmoon valley at the time so he hot-footed it over to wildhammer stronghold and sat patiently in front of the mailbox while we moved funds around.

remember that post we did a while back about making money? well, here's proof that it works: Z went first class and bought his epic flying mount, [Swift Blue Gryphon], within minutes of hitting 70. we didn't even bother buying the regular flying mount first. that's 6000g (800 to train expert riding + 5000 to train artisan riding + 200 for the mount). we also had to train our level 70 spells and gem out our new duds (pictured above). after all was said and done, we still have about 500g in the bank.

and now, we're off to start our kara key adventures...

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