Friday, November 14, 2008

feel our wrath!

wrath is here! yay! we managed to score a collector's edition at the store thursday morning and joined the hordes in the borean tundra to see what northrend was all about. our feelings are a bit mixed so far.

the good:

  • new lands to explore

  • new mobs to see

  • getting xp from quests and feeling a real sense of advancement again

the not so good:
  • way, way too many named mobs that need killing in the early quests which require to you compete not only against the other faction (pvp server, remember) but also against your *own* faction. this is our biggest complaint. standing around for 5-10 minutes and then having to basically kill-steal from everyone else around you to get your quest done.

  • most of the quest rewards aren't gear upgrades. to be fair, we're wearing mostly purples so that's not a big surprise but to only find 1 item from lvl 70 to lvl 71 that was a clear upgrade was a little disappointing

  • too crowded! everyone and their dog is in the borean tundra right now and the buildings are tiny, so it's really tough to see what you're doing through the sea of bodies and floating green text

we took Harl over and quested until we hit lvl 71. the new area is awesome, the quests are generally fun and so far it seems like there's less running around (no big fedex-style quests that we can recall) then old-world quests. everything seems pretty easy so far, even killing elite quest mobs, but that's probably because most of us 70s are over-powered due to all the purple we're wearing. people are a bit douchy in their efforts to get their quests completed (kill-stealing, etc.), but that wasn't a huge surprise.

overall we had fun, but once we got to 71 we decided we would wait for a while before going back for more. it's just too crowded to really enjoy the new content. plus, we got a little sick of being on a pvp server (getting fear bombed or nuked while talking to a quest giver gets old after the 6th time). so, we hopped back over to our old pve server, Elune, and rolled a BE death knight. more on that later.


A said...

There's another area that is for lvl 70 starting zone on the complete other side. We found it last night because we did Utgarde Keep instead of Nexus. In comparison there is NO ONE there questing, but I'm sure once people realize there's another zone for them it will fill up.

A said...

Howling Fjord...

Anonymous said...

Your web is great!!