Saturday, January 12, 2008

On Disturbing Images

I went snowboarding today; first time this season. I'll be whining about it come monday, I'm sure, once all the pain catches up with me.

at one point I noticed the ski patrol taking someone down the hill on a sled pulled by a snowmobile and what I saw made me do a double-take. there was a kid on the sled, covered from head to toe with a tarp (I assume to keep any snow kicked up by the snowmobile off of him) and someone had laid his board right on top of the kid.

at the same time my brain was processing this image, another one flashed through my mind. you know those ornate stone carvings that decorate the lid of a great warrior's tomb? where he's laid out across the lid, dressed in his armor with his sword clasped in both hands across his chest? yeah, that's what I saw.

mildly disturbing, to say the least.

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